How Sandcastles Can Help Your Business

See this picture?

Incredible right?

Now Kate and I didn’t just stumble upon these amazing structures on the beach…we actually BUILT THEM! (Well, us and 14 other entrepreneur amateur-sandcastle-builders in our Mastermind program!)

Now you might ask… how does a guy from upstate New York create a professional-looking sandcastle? (And I asked myself exactly the same thing when we started!)

The three hours we spent sandcastle-making revealed a really important business lesson… in fact, I would say this is truly THE #1 KEY to up-leveling your business as fast as possible:

Click the video below to find out more… 

Want to see some other pictures of the sandcastle building process? I invite you to head on over to my Facebook page!

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Want to Raise Your Rates? Do Something Radical!

Get ready, because we are going to talk about pricing.

I find that most of my clients struggle with this part – deciding what to charge people for their products or services. It’s tough to put a dollar sign on what we’re worth. Most of us devalue what we have to offer.

But if you really want to step into being "elite" or create a radical result in your business, you must be willing to do a radical thing.

Click the 3 min video below and get ready to charge what you’re worth…

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The Risk of Becoming Great at Sales

It’s hard to believe there could be a threat to your business when you become good at overcoming objections in sales conversations.

Right? Wouldn’t you think this is an all-around GOOD thing?

It is when you are aware of this — as you develop these skills, you run the risk of bringing in a type of client that could influence how you feel about your business.  

Watch below to find out how to reduce this risk so you continue to attract the clients you want!

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What I Learned from My Vocal Coach

I recently hired a vocal coach to learn how to sing.

At my last lesson, she said, “All the notes are inside of you.”

I thought this was so incredibly profound, not only about singing but also about how we live our lives and run our businesses.

Click below to hear how singing the notes inside of you relates to other events in your life.

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Simple Way to Boost Your Energy (and Make a HUGE Difference)

Today we’re stepping away from business and getting a bit personal because I want to share something with you.

Last week my energy had been really low and I wasn’t feeling totally on my game. 

If you’ve been watching these Money Monday videos, you know the importance I place on mindset and energy in growing your business.

So I did this ONE THING that completely shifted my energy in both my personal and professional life and the joy I’ve received has been amazing. I feel 110% better – so much so, I wanted to share it straight away with you! 

I highly recommend taking this one simple action this week to elevate your spirit:

Please leave a comment below to let me know what you chose to give and what came back to you in return.

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How to Get Comfortable Quoting Your Fee…

When you sit down with a potential client to sell your services, do you start to sweat? Do you struggle with quoting your fees? Find it hard to close the sale?

Many people love what they do and have no problem communicating it, but then become incredibly uncomfortable selling it.

And it’s because they make this fundamental error…watch below to find out what it is:

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