How to Make a Big Investment When It Feels REALLY Scary

mindset in business Jan 11, 2021

One of the keys to my success is that I've made significant investments in my business.

Things like overseas conferences, trainings, mentors.

Even when I know these investments will move me forward, the decisions can feel heavy and stressful.

To help me overcome the overwhelm, I do two very simple things.

Watch the video so you're prepared when it's your turn to make a significant investment in your business.

And then join me over in SALES MASTERY Inner Circle Facebook Group for more tips on how to accelerate your income:

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Make this Simple Shift in Mindset to Create the Results You Want

mindset in business Nov 04, 2019

Previously we talked about charging what you’re worth and not what the market will bear. 

And today, I’m going to help you with the mindset shift that needs to happen to allow yourself to start charging more.

You see, when you go about raising your rates using your current mindset, you’re using the same belief system that achieved your current results. And not much is going to change!

Watch below for the simple shift to make when making decisions in your business so you can create the results you want.

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Simple Way to Boost Your Energy (and Make a HUGE Difference)

Today we’re stepping away from business and getting a bit personal because I want to share something with you.

Last week my energy had been really low and I wasn’t feeling totally on my game. 

If you’ve been watching these Money Monday videos, you know the importance I place on mindset and energy in growing your business.

So I did this ONE THING that completely shifted my energy in both my personal and professional life and the joy I’ve received has been amazing. I feel 110% better – so much so, I wanted to share it straight away with you! 

I highly recommend taking this one simple action this week to elevate your spirit:

Please leave a comment below to let me know what you chose to give and what came back to you in return.

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What is Your Way of Being?

mindset in business May 10, 2019

When things go wrong in business (as they sometimes will!), have you ever noticed how easy it is to spend time evaluating what went wrong – and why.

Maybe you debrief with your team (if you have one), or take stock – so the same thing doesn’t happen again. It’s often super easy to spend time dwelling on the things that need improving!

But what about when things go right?

There’s something EQUALLY important to do – so you can recreate that same success time and time again.

Click the video below to find out exactly what it is – and how to implement it into your business (starting today!):

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