Want to Raise Your Rates? Do Something Radical!

Get ready, because we are going to talk about pricing.

I find that most of my clients struggle with this part – deciding what to charge people for their products or services. It’s tough to put a dollar sign on what we’re worth. Most of us devalue what we have to offer.

But if you really want to step into being "elite" or create a radical result in your business, you must be willing to do a radical thing.

Click the 3 min video below and get ready to charge what you’re worth…

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Simple Way to Boost Your Energy (and Make a HUGE Difference)

Today we’re stepping away from business and getting a bit personal because I want to share something with you.

Last week my energy had been really low and I wasn’t feeling totally on my game. 

If you’ve been watching these Money Monday videos, you know the importance I place on mindset and energy in growing your business.

So I did this ONE THING that completely shifted my energy in both my personal and professional life and the joy I’ve received has been amazing. I feel 110% better – so much so, I wanted to share it straight away with you! 

I highly recommend taking this one simple action this week to elevate your spirit:

Please leave a comment below to let me know what you chose to give and what came back to you in return.

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Two Step

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